
The Drunks and My Sundays

Workshop exercise in Haiku

Write a short story. Very short. One hundred words. You have ten minutes.

I was in the DLR coming from work and as I started writing then a drunk started speaking loud about how barbaric we, Muslims, are. It’s just so hilarious because every Sunday after I finish my work in Taiybun, I had to see one of those losers, who drink their heads off in the morning and by 16:00 pm they are just so drunk and they try to scare the first victim they see who happened to be a Hijabi girl wearing glasses and burying her head in her book. Shows how brave they are for choosing me for their Sunday drunken harassments.

Sitting down in the train, bothered by the loud voice of a drunk, but she is not afraid any more, she knows she is stronger than all that. He mumbles and he mumbles, and then he throws a line. He thinks that people are listening to him but no one even cares about what he is saying.

She wants to just delve deep into her thoughts, her plans, her dreams.

He is provoking other people so they pay attention to him but he doesn’t even know what he is talking about.

Just the look of his drunken face is so despicable… he is giving her a headache now… Oh Thank God he finally got off the train, and now she can swim deep in the ocean of her thoughts, she felt thankful her left so all the emotions he stirred in her would stop, but will they stop? Or she will take it out on herself or someone else? Now here comes her stop, she better get ready to get off.


Change the Gender of one of the character of the story, without changing anything else, and read it out again alongside the original. What happens? How much of the story is the same? How much of it changes or shifts and why? This is an excellent way to bring preconceptions to surface or to spot them in the prose.

Sitting down in the train, bothered by the loud voice of a drunk, but he is not afraid any more, he knows he is stronger than all that. The drunk mumbles and he mumbles, and then he throws a line. He thinks that people are listening to him but no one even cares about what he is saying.

The young man wants to just delve deep into his thoughts, his plans, his dreams, but the drunk is provoking other people so they pay attention to him but he doesn’t even know what he is talking about.

Just the look of his drunken face is so despicable… he is giving him a headache now… Oh Thank God he finally got off the train, and now he can swim deep in the ocean of his thoughts, he felt thankful that the drunk left so all the emotions he stirred in him would stop, but will they stop? Or he will take it out on himself or someone else? Now here comes his stop, he better gets ready to get off.

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