Day 02 Tuesday 17/11/09
In the same previous entry by Julia Bell that is called (Clearing your throat) she suggested an exercise to help start writing:
Exercise 02
Try the following exercise either by your self or in a group.
Write down five sounds that you can hear. Then list the things that associate with those sounds. A car engine may remind you of being picked up after school, clanking crockery of that summer you worked at Pizza Pie, an aeroplane of your holiday to Ibiza.
Ok now I need to close my eyes and list 5 sounds and then list the things that are associated with theses sounds.
Sound of the processor and HD inside my lap top
This sound reminds of Amal’s, my sister, lap top when I used to stay up all night at her place google stuff and read things and feeling happy that I can do that from the bed and I don’t have to get up set down in front of the PC that in most cases I used to put in a cold area in the house.
A bus passing by my window
Its strange now how I know from the sound of the bus's engine if it a bus or just a car, yeah I know that is easy and I might not be the only one who knows that but I know from the bus’s engine sound if it is a single or double dock ;)
Also if i heard that sound first thing in the morning i can tell if it is raining outside or if it was raining last night.
The radiator is clicking to balance temperature in the house
Again this reminds me of my sister’s radiator in Zayed because it resembles the one I have now in model, even in the clicking sound it makes to adjust the room temperature, I used to love the feeling when it was very cold outside I would run upstairs to my sister’s flat and the warmth of her house would greet me like a soothing wind and my sister would greet me with an Egyptian hot and sugary cup of tea.
Zamzam, my kitten, is running back and forth in the room
It just reminds me of Zamzam, she is absolutely insane, she keeps running back and forth thinking she is a horse in a horse race.
Zamzam is purring
Which is associated with our cuddly time before both of us go to bed, so its her way to tell me it’s late we need to head to bed now.
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